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Heart Attack and Stroke Symptoms

Oregon 2024 Legislative Session Update

We are midway through the Oregon short legislative session and wanted to provide an update on our efforts.

Priority Issues:

  • EMS Modernization (HB 4081): This bill would create a framework for the Oregon Health Authority that would help ensure patients get to the facility best prepared to treat them if they experience a heart attack or stroke. Getting to the right hospital quickly increases the likelihood of survival and reduces recovery time.The bill passed the House Healthcare Committee unanimously and is now assigned to the Ways and Means Committee.
  • Double Up Food Bucks program: We are urging lawmakers to provide an additional $1 million to help current SNAP recipients afford additional fruits and vegetables. This additional state funding will make federal matching dollars available for the program, helping it serve more Oregonians who are struggling to feed their families.

Please be on the lookout for additional updates and opportunities for you to raise your voice in support of these and other issues that will help build a healthier Oregon.