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Heart Attack and Stroke Symptoms

Advocate Spotlight: Sharifah Abdullah

During the summer of 2019 I experienced trouble breathing off and on. I met with my doctor and explained what was happening and was prescribed anxiety medication.

After 30 days of taking the medicine, I returned to the doctor and explained I was still having the same symptoms. She told me to continue taking the medicine. After 90 days of taking the medicine, I asked to see a heart specialist.

In August of 2019 I saw a heart specialist, who also diagnosed me with anxiety and told me to continue to take the prescribed medication. I was shocked! I asked, “Are you sure?” and he said yes and gave me a heart monitor to wear over the weekend. After three days of wearing it, the results showed nothing. In September of 2019, I returned to the heart specialist and explained again I was still having breathing problems while sleeping. He gave me another monitor to wear over the weekend. After three days of wearing it, the results showed nothing, and he said to continue to take the anxiety medicine.

During the first week of October 2019, I made an appointment. I wanted a test to check my heart; I did not believe it was anxiety and thought something else was wrong with me. The last week in October 2019 I had an echo test done on my heart; 30-minutes later the results showed that my valve was leaking, and my blood flow was flowing backwards – that was why I was getting shortness of breath and stopped breathing at night while sleeping. I had open heart surgery in May 2020 to repair my mitral valve.

I am extremely glad I listened to myself and my body. Do you know how many nights I went to sleep scared that I would not wake up because I could not breathe? It is so important to pay attention and listen and do not be scared to tell the doctor what you want, to protect your health.

Now, I share my story with others and advocate for heart disease prevention and treatment.