A Great Day at the Hawaii State Capitol
On Wednesday, March 21, organizations from across Hawaii hosted “Take Down Tobacco Day” at the Hawaii State Capitol building. Over 130 volunteers, including close to 100 youth, from Oahu, Maui, Kauai, and the Big Island asked legislators to support legislation that would address the toll flavored tobacco is taking on the young people of Hawaii.
Advocates lobbied hard asking legislators to support SB 1447, a bill that would allow the counties in Hawaii to pass local ordinances on flavored tobacco. Legislation passed in 2018 that took away that ability and sadly the number of keiki getting hooked on nicotine has continue to skyrocket while the state has chosen not to take action.
The counties are ready to do something if the legal authority is restored to them. Already Honolulu and Hawaii counties have passed local legislation to restrict the sale of flavored tobacco products but these laws can’t go into effect unless SB 1447 passes.
The bill has already passed in the Senate but is stuck in the House Finance Committee. Advocates urged legislators to vote yes on it in House and asked both Representatives and Senators to encourage the House Finance Committee chair to schedule the bill for a vote.