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Heart Attack and Stroke Symptoms

Alaska Legislative Session to Begin January 21, 2025

The upcoming 2025-2026 Alaska Legislature will be led by bipartisan coalitions in both the State House and Senate. These coalitions have prioritized full funding for public education, economic growth, and public health for the new legislative session.

Update on AHA’s Key Initiatives for the New Year:

  1. CPR in Schools: AHA is partnering with the Alaska Firefighters Association to prefile legislation for the 2025 session, making CPR education a major focus.
  2. Paid Family Leave: Continuing from the last legislature, paid family leave remains a top priority. AHA is dedicated to advancing this issue with partners in the 2025-2026 session.
  3. Tobacco Prevention, Control, and Taxation: AHA aims to secure strong funding for tobacco prevention, education, and cessation programs. Additionally, we are working with coalition partners to ensure all tobacco products are included under Alaska’s tobacco tax.