Arizona Advocates Head to the Capitol
A potential rain storm didn’t stop over 50 volunteers from across Arizona from heading to the to the State Capitol on Wednesday February 7th!
Our advocates and staff fervently engaged with legislators and emphasized the paramount need for establishing comprehensive cardiac emergency response plans in schools. Their collective voice echoed the urgency of preparedness in handling cardiac emergencies during school sporting events and practices.
Additionally, advocates and staff championed the establishment of a tobacco retail license, aiming to foster accountability among tobacco retailers. By implementing such a license, the advocates and staff sought to promote a regulatory framework that would safeguard the youth by restricting access to potentially harmful tobacco products. And finally, we had a powerful mission moment from the family of a young survivor who encouraged our advocates and staff from the legislature to take a few moments to learn Hands-Only CPR during our on-site training.
From the bottom of our heart, thank you for helping make Arizona’s Lobby Day a day to remember.