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Heart Attack and Stroke Symptoms

Midwest Indianapolis Board 100 Centennial Celebration and Board meeting

Christina Cesnik’s first Indy Board Meeting was the last of the year and the last for Chair. It was such a kind handoff to the new Chair and a warm welcome from the rest of the Board. As nice as this was, it took no time for the Board to get on to business.

The whole diverse team were supporting each other to further the mission of the AHA. Each person is invested in making sure each event and each fundraising need is successful. As the discussion moved to the AHA 100th Birthday Celebration on Monument Circle in Indianapolis, the pride these members have for those who worked hard in the past and for their own involvement in the work for the future was clear.

Indianapolis City-County Councilor John Barth joined the meeting to introduce his upcoming legislation regarding an update to Marion County’s Complete Streets Ordinance. This update regards Vision Zero policies that attempt to bring the number of pedestrian and bicycle injuries and fatalities to zero. The Board members asked several incisive questions. Councilor Barth was pleased with the level of engagement and offered to return with progress updates. I wish to thank the Indy Board for being so welcoming to me and for their interest in advocating for policies that positively impact the lives of our neighbors.