Working to build more walkable communities one community at a time
While the Montana legislature may not be convening in 2024, it doesn’t mean our advocacy work has stopped.
Currently we are working with elected officials in Missoula and Bozeman to pass complete streets policies.
Complete streets policies make communities and neighborhoods more livable by ensuring all people can get safely to where they may need to go – work, school, the library, grocery stores, or parks. People who live in neighborhoods where it is easier and safer to walk are more active, have a reduced risk of heart disease and Type II Diabetes, and can feel more connected to their neighbors, which improves quality of life. The complete streets approach requires that every road construction and reconstruction project make a street safe and comfortable for all users and prioritizes investment in communities that have historically been under-resourced. For these reasons, the AHA strongly supports complete streets policies!
If you live in Missoula or Bozeman and would like to help us with our work on this issue, please reach out and let me know.